Social Media Marketing Chapter 6

 Chapter 6 details the essentials of social media marketing. I learned the opportunity for businesses to

use Twitter to promote Ideas and goals, build relationships with customers, connect with their

audiences, and keep up with the competition. I also learned that Twitter is not like Instagram or

Facebook. While they are all communication platforms, those apps are used to do a lot of promoting.

Twitter on the other hand, shouldn’t be used to promote and instead should invite questions and

encourage engagement. Engagement shows that the business has value. When it comes to tweeting,

tweets should not be long paragraphs but rather short, to the point messages. As someone who

occasionally uses Twitter, I never read anything longer than a few sentences. Anything longer than that,

I skip past it and ignore. Another thing I picked up on is that when businesses are trying to promote

something, they should post consistently and at times when they can reach most of their audience. Also,

they should post appealing content so that they can boost the time spent on their posts. Doing so will

improve engagement, make them more popular and more likely to show up more often. Businesses not

only do promotions to increase their followers and the engagement of their content, but they can also

reach out to certain people directly. This is a great way to target and get a message out to their current

and potential customers. I would say using Twitter to promote your business is a great, because it

enables a company to get their name and a message out to a targeted group of potential customers as

well as connect to an already existing customer audience.


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