Social Media Campaigns

In Chapter 13 of the textbook, I learned about social media campaigns. I discovered that they can be

used to raise brand awareness, encourage consumers to respond to calls of action, or simply intended to

spark the interest of the consumer. The goal of most social media campaigns is to persuade followers to

do something, and they usually have a set time limit to act. Businesses utilize social media-only

campaigns to keep customers coming back to buy more things. They do this primarily by employing the

AIDA model, which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. They will attract people's attention,

spark their curiosity, satisfy their desire, and urge them to act. When it comes to campaigns, this

strategy has shown to be the most effective for businesses and is recommended for future ones. When

it comes to creating a campaign, the process is rather simple. First you want to set goals, determine a

campaign topic, identify the target demographic and budget, choose incentives, select networks, and

choose a timeline before you start building a campaign. After that, you'll want to advertise the

campaign, keep track of it, and interact with the audience during it. As soon as the campaign ends,

announce the winners, go over the results, check in with the crowd, and go over everything that has

occurred. Going into this chapter I thought I knew a lot about social media campaigns, but I ended up

learning a lot more than I thought I would.


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