First Week of Second Semester

 My name is Matt Wilder. I am a student and a lacrosse player at Ohio Northern University. This is a blog

about my experience as a student-athlete. I thought my first semester was tough but with just one week

in and coming into season, I think I might have been wrong. Because of our practice schedule, I had to

be back at school the weekend before MLK day. That was rough because I was really enjoying the break.

I was excited to get on the field and get going, but I knew we had three practices that first day, all

separated by just a few hours. Trust me, multiple practices in a single day take a toll on your body. With

school starting the next day, I was already worn out. Plus, I wasn’t prepared to jump right back into

school and didn’t even know the times of my classes. With that triple practice complete I thought that

the hardest part of the week was done. Sadly, it would get harder. I was late for my first class and

because I was still on my break sleep schedule, I spent the rest of the day trying not to fall asleep in

every other class. As you can probably imagine, the rest of my week was similar with practice every day

and trying to stay awake in classes. By next week, I hope to have a better grasp on things, otherwise this

blog will sound more like a therapy session.  


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