Personal Branding Chapter 2

When first looking at Chapter 2, I must admit I had no clue what was really meant by

“creating a personal brand.” As I read the chapter, I realized a personal brand is really

about what a person represents, what they value, and who they want to be. As a

freshman in college and only in my second semester, I don’t believe I have a clue how

to answer these questions as I am sure my answers will change with my experiences.

If I had to answer today, I would say that I represent my family, which now includes

ONU, my team and the sport of lacrosse. If I focus inward, I think of hard work,

because no matter how bad situations are for me, I work my butt off to figure it out. In

terms of who I want to be, I want to be the guy that people really like and rely on to

get stuff done. When I walk into a room, I want to be the guy that gets respect, not out

of fear but out of appreciation for my effort. With that in mind, I think I most value

respect, along with loyalty, honesty, and kindness. Overall, I want my personal brand

to show strength, intelligence and hard work. I want people to know that even though

I work hard as an athlete, I also put a lot of work into school. I try to always put 110%

into everything I do. It doesn’t mean I am always successful at it, but I do try. If I can

offer any advice, it would be to not let other people convince you that you are a

failure. In subtle and not so subtle ways, I have been told I wouldn’t make it my entire

life. When I happen to accomplish a new goal, some of those same people are the first

to tell me I got lucky or that my small win doesn’t matter, because I am certain to fail

at my next goal. I persist because I refuse to let others dictate my future, and you can



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