Fifth Week of Second Semester

Matt Wilder, lacrosse student-athlete here again. I would have to say this has been my best week.

Knowing what you know about my first four weeks, that might not be saying much, but things are

moving in the right direction. The weekend following my last blog was our last full game scrimmage as a

team. Going into it I was very nervous, because this was the last time the coaches would be evaluating

us. I got in my head a bit so started off making mistakes in warm-ups. Thankfully this time when I got my

opportunity to go in, I didn't waste it again. When I go in, my role is usually to clear the ball from our end

to the other side, allowing our offense a possession and hopefully score. I went all out and ran hard on

the first clear and we were successful in getting a transition goal. The only problem with doing that is

the risk of getting tired too quickly. For some reason that day, I got unusually tired. Sadly, after that first

score our offense wasn't really moving the ball well and took bad shots which made our defense work

harder. You can probably guess that this was not a great time to wear myself out early, because in a

short span of time I had to clear the ball from the same spot of the field, three times in a row. Thinking

positive, I was able to get the ball to our offensive guys to score a couple times. I also had some good

stops on defense. Things are coming together for both lacrosse and class, so there is hope. Mistakes are

still being made but they are coming less frequent.


  1. Keep your head up and looking forward. Things aren't as bad as they seem! Keep working hard in the classroom and on the field and it will all pay off!


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