Marketing with Instagram

Chapter five focuses mainly on Instagram and how to use the platform to market. Instagram has more

than 1.22 billion active users. Maybe not so surprisingly, most of their users are younger people, with

the number of females slightly outweighing the males. Instagram was created in 2010, but only started

to be accommodating for businesses in 2016. The platform allowed businesses to market and sell and

get their message out through another app. Instagram allowed them to link their website on their

profile and allowed them to provide more detailed and important information in their bio. When

compared to all the other social media platforms, Instagram is most like Facebook. They both allow you

to post pictures and videos which others can like or share. Where Instagram is truly better is with their

reels and shopping options. Reels are little videos that are pushed to a user based on whatever the

algorithm thinks they will enjoy the most. As a user this can be dangerous because you can go down a

rabbit hole. You can be pushed useless products or information that you may want to buy because they

seem cool but only later you realize there is no need for it. Instagram also does a great job of pushing

products on an emotional basis because they have more kids and teens on their app and its easier to

market cool to someone younger. They also excel with their shopping option. When COVID hit, it was

hard for companies to get their products out and in front of customers. To help address this and create a

niche for the platform, Instagram added a shopping option which allowed people to buy and sell

products, whether they represented a business or were people just trying to get some money selling

something themselves.


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