Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 covers how to use effective social media calendars and schedules to helps with efforts of

maintaining a strong personal brand. The chapter goes in-depth on this topic, particularly in section 10

of the chapter. We learn that the social media content calendar is a subset of a larger marketing

campaign calendar. These allow for social media managers to plan, create and schedule content on a

weekly or monthly basis. We also learn that every content calendar must contain key themes and dates

for the business, including holidays, events, press releases, news announcements, product releases,

campaigns, and more. It makes sense that every calendar needs to contain these important dates, but it

is not a static document. In fact, the social media content calendar should be a living document with

multiple collaborators it on a regular basis as the needs of stakeholders and marketing teams change.

Before reading this, I would have thought that posting your message across all social media like a big

blast would be good. We learn that using it as a megaphone by posting the same content on every

platform, is not a good social media marketing strategy. Instead, we should focus on creating and

distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Targeted messaging and the right platform are important to accomplish that. I still am a little confused

on applying some of the best practices in this chapter, but I am still going to try to take what I learned

into my branding approach.


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