Lacrosse Spring Break Trip

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with another blog. Today I will be talking

about the Ohio Northern Men's Lacrosse team’s Spring Break adventures. Let me say

it was one to remember. The bus ride to Maryland was brutal – well at least for me it

was. I had to sit behind our trainer on the bus to our first hotel. It was awful. Every

time I went to rest my head on the seat, he would push back to get comfortable. This

meant I wasn't going to get any sleep on the bus. Luckily, some of my teammates

brought fun movies for us to watch. That feeling of happiness was short lived though

because our coach wouldn’t play any of our choices. He wanted to put on his own

movies which where all about the military. That meant the whole trip I had to hear

loud gun shots. It was tough to sleep through that, unless you were my bus mate

falling asleep on me. Once we got to our first hotel, everyone was happy to just get

off the bus and go to sleep. Sadly, that didn't get to happen either. As soon as

everyone got to their rooms, the guys started to freak out and reported they were

finding blood on their walls and even on their sheets, as well as cockroaches on their

walls and even some found drugs. After a couple minutes of us trying to figure out

what other hotel had space for us so we could get some sleep, we got a text from

our coach that we were leaving and going to another hotel. We all packed up and

quickly left. And that was just how our trip started.


  1. I am apart of the football team here at ONU. I don't really know how lacrosse actually works but it seems like a really fun game. It is really cool how you got to have these cool events with your teammates.


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