
Growing up in a family of businesspeople, LinkedIn is used a lot. I had a basic understanding of the app
and knew that when I got to college, this would be one of the more important social network platforms I
would need to use. However, while reading, I realized there was so much more to this app than I knew.
LinkedIn is the largest professional networking platform available. There are about 740 million users, in
more than 200 countries. The primary uses of LinkedIn are for professionals to stay connected with one
another and to search and apply for jobs. LinkedIn is also great for building a personal brand and
connecting with professionals that might work in a field of interest or work at a company a person is
trying to get hired into. When compared to the other social media platforms we have discussed, it is
most like Facebook, but more professional and networking focused. When it comes to using LinkedIn,
the most important part is the profile and its contents. For example, my LinkedIn profile has a
professional headshot which is important. When a hiring manager goes to a profile to find out more,
they don’t want to see a random picture taken from a phone. Another crucial part is the resume. A
resume must be posted to the profile and must be found easily by the viewer. If they can’t find it, the
person could lose out on job opportunities. The last but still important thing to include is a good opening
sentence. That way companies will see the profile pop up first when they are searching for potential
candidates and type in key words that match the person’s opening sentence.


  1. I agree, LinkedIn is great for finding jobs, finding prospective candidates to hire, and staying connected to my broader network.


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