Marketing with YouTube

Chapter 10 of our textbook talks about marketing on YouTube. Currently, YouTube has close to two

billion viewers every month. They also have one of the highest success rates when it comes to

promoting ads on a streaming service. Surprisingly, it is primarily used by the male population. That

statistic was shocking to me because there seems to be a lot more women YouTubers now then there

ever has been, with millions of followers. I would think those followers are other women and girls.

When it comes to what age groups watch YouTube, it ranges from 13 to 49 years old. When someone

starts using YouTube, its algorithm will prioritize videos by relevance, quality, watch time and likes for

the viewer. If you can use YouTubes algorithm correctly, marketing a product will be easy. The marketer

can do this by using keywords, having captivating titles and descriptions, using tags, and creating crazy

thumbnails. The content of the video also plays a huge roll in the video getting viewed and importantly

how long the watch time will be. How-to videos usually do the best, along with comedy skits, interviews

and documentaries. Another practice that helps get a product clicks and views is posting on a regular

basis and during optimal times. Some extra tips to consider would be to use YouTube Shorts or YouTube

Live. I never really thought of YouTube being an app for marketing a product, but I have used it myself

for a long time to learn new things, so I know it can be super helpful for promoting.


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