
When I first think of Pinterest I think of women. I don't think I have met a male that uses Pinterest

regularly at all. I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but I am a little familiar with the app because my

girlfriend uses it to find good date ideas and things to do. Her friends will also use it for clothing and

good vacation destination ideas as well. When it comes to marketing products, Pinterest uses a system

called Carousel. Carousel is multiple images pinned together that can show designs or uses of the

product in an easy viewing format. What this does is give people a deeper understanding of the product

and how it can be applied, before they go visit the website. I like carousel and think it is a great

marketing technique that businesses can use to show how their products can be used. It allows the

viewer to imagine the use for themselves. It’s a lot different than all the other social media apps we

have been covering, where it’s just one image at time in a feed its instead of an array of images that

would catch your attention and feed your imagination. When reading about Pinterest, I discovered that

the best times to post are between 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. This was a huge surprise to me. All the people I

know who use Pinterest use it closer to the morning or late afternoon, which is basically the times they

are not in school. It might just be my age range, but that has been my experience. The late-night posting

does bring up another question about the companies who are posting that late. Do they have someone

who is working a nightshift to post? If some businesses are in different time zones, how do they manage

to keep up their daily posts which are supposed to equal about 30 posts a day? That could be a lot of

work late at night.


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