Social Media Marketing Chapter 7

In Chapter 7 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing," I learned how a business can advertise
themselves on Snapchat. Snapchat is a social media platform that allows people to send pictures and
videos to their friends with the addition of the choice to use filters or just little text boxes. When people
think about Snapchat, they primarily think it is a way to communicate with friends and a platform to
post videos to show what you are doing. Snapchat can also be helpful for promoting businesses. It is
very different from the other social media platforms we have learned about, like Facebook and
Instagram. First, what you are going to want to do is create a profile with the name of the business as
the username. Once the profile is created, permission will have to be granted to make messages public
so that everyone can see them. To do that, go into Settings and make sure that everyone is selected.
That way people can see and interact with the businesses story. Once the profile set up is finished,
posting can begin. Make sure when posting that the images chosen will make the business look
interesting so people will want to interact with brand snaps. When it comes to posting videos, make
sure that they are not too long because that will cause people to lose interest. Since Snapchat users are
relatively young, the business snapper must realize that they are going to lose interest quickly. The best
way to attract people to the business is with the ad capability on Snapchat. These are very effective for
businesses because Snapchat makes sure a user cannot skip them. This forces even the most impatient
person to watch. Overall, this was an interesting week learning about Snapchat and how to use the app
to market a business.


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