Week Eight of the Second Semester

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with another blog. Today I will be talking about our first

week back from Spring Break. It was a sluggish and sad week, not just because the team was kind of

down because we lost the last two games of the trip, but most of us also had a good amount of

homework due that Monday. So, we all just went to bed Saturday night when we returned to rest up

and get some sleep. Me being the great student I am, ended up resting most of Sunday as well, so had

to get my work done late but was in bed by midnight. At Monday’s practice we prepared for our next

two games. The first was a short trip to Indiana on Wednesday night against Trine which we won

handily. Saturday’s game was to be back on the road again to New York to play Medaille. Surprisingly

they only had a roster of 15 players, and you need a minimum of 10 players to play a game. Since we are

a roster of 50 players, I figured this was going to be a great opportunity for me to get a lot of playing

time and show the coach's my game effort. I made sure to stand out at every practice that week. I also

had to find time to get in additional skill work. To accomplish this, I played wall ball between my classes

to be crisp in my ball handling. Well as we all know, things don’t always go as planned. While we were

finishing up classes on Friday and excited to leave that night, our coach received an email from the other

team cancelling the game. I was devastated. An opportunity was lost. Still, I wasn't going to let this stop

me from continuing the work. If I really want to be a good player, I must be prepared for the next time.


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