Freshman Year

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with my last blog of the year. Looking back on my time as a

freshman, I can honestly say it was nothing like how I thought it would be. It felt like my first year at

college went by in a blink of an eye. Admittedly, I didn’t feel that way at first. I had a crazy start to

college and not necessarily in a fun or good way. If you recall, I had suffered a seizure and sprained my

wrist during the 2 nd week of school. Because of my anger, I alienated teammates and even coaches. I was

not into school and felt I had no one here to talk to or relate to me. Not wanting to give up, I worked to

turn that all around. I ended my 1 st semester with a 3.6 GPA , I rebuilt my relationships with teammates

and coaches and through that struggle I realized if I put in the work, I could do anything. The 2 nd

semester started  so quickly that I barely remembered the 1 st semester ending. Thankfully, I got off on a

better foot. I could focus on developing my relationships with teammates and coaches, instead of trying

to mend them. After meeting with my teachers early, I made sure that they knew how serious I was

about getting the best grade possible, so I established a connection early. Now here I am again,

wondering how the time flew by so quickly. It is May 4 th, and I am about to dress for the OAC Semifinals

against John Carroll. Writing this and looking back on all my experiences, I'm glad I stuck to it and

overcame the challenges. So, to end this blog I will leave you with this last thought. Work as hard as you

can, even if stuff isn’t going your way at first, one day it will all pay off. I will miss you freshman year.


  1. Congrats on finishing your first year my guy! I'm glad you were able to turn it around following a rough start and I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know you a bit! I like your work ethic and I am excited to see how your lacrosse career goes because I know you and the rest of the team are poised for great things!


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