Week Nine of Second Semester

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with another blog. Admittedly, I am more student than

athlete this week, because I fractured my thumb in practice and now must sit out for three weeks.

Before I get into those details, I will pick up from where I left off last time about the team cancelling

their game against us. After that, I promised myself that I was going to have a great week of practice.

We started on Sunday because our coach wanted to keep us sharp but also wanted to keep us from

having too much fun Saturday night. I was eager to showcase what I had been working on for weeks.

Our conference games were coming up and I was itching to get some playing time. Sunday’s practice

was review and competition drills to get us ready to play Mount Union in the first conference game.

Monday was similar but with super high energy. Everyone was giving it their best effort, especially me. I

made sure no one was going to beat me in sprints or out hustle me to groundballs. I was playing well

and I could tell my coach was happy to see the hustle and improvement. It seemed all my efforts were

paying off, then came Tuesday’s practice. During a drill, one of my teammates hit my thumb with his

stick. It stung a little but nothing too bad. I finished the practice and later it looked a little swollen, so I

iced it. By the next morning it was all black and blue and when it wasn’t improving by the following day, I

was told to get an x-ray which confirmed it was a fracture. And so, I wait for my opportunity some more.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your broken thumb! It is crazy to think how fast lacrosse season has gone. Basketball seems to last forever, but spring sports have to get a bunch of games in a short time span. I hope your thumb heals fast! I can tell you are a competitor, and nothing is worse than having to sit out of the sport you love.


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