Podcasting Project

As the school year is winding down and we have started to reach the last chapters of Social Media, I find

the chapter we are learning about now are podcasts. When it comes to what podcasts are, the best way

to describe them is a way to build a deeper connection to an audience. They can also be used to discuss

current news or even a podcaster’s opinion on things like video games, books, movies, etc. Basically,

anything an audience would find interesting can be a podcast. When it comes to how many people are a

part of a podcast, it is usually two or more people that lead it or host it. However, there is a podcaster

named Joe Rogan who has risen to be the most listened podcaster today. What he does is have very

famous people to go on and talk about themselves while he picks their brain about what they think

about current events or gets them to reveal things they may have done in the past. Now if you had

asked a bunch of people a couple of years ago if they ever listened to a podcast, I would think that most

of them would say no. However, since the rise of popularity of comedy, sports, and informational

podcasts, more people have started and continue to listen. Book worms like my brothers love podcasts

because it is way more convenient then having to sit down and read. My parents also listen to them,

especially on their long drives to come to my lacrosse games. Podcasts are popular in all generations.   

 When making my podcast, I decided to interview my dad and the topic I focused on was on the use of

social media and marketing at John Crane. Going into this podcast, I thought it would just be a boring

conversation with my dad like I have had many times, but I ended up learning a lot. It is crazy because I

never really knew much about what he did in his job as a marketing manager, and I didn’t think they

used that much social media at his company. Talking to him really opened my eyes to how smart and

qualified he is in his role. I also wouldn’t think that an old fashion company would use social media like

Twitter to help promote their products to other businesses. It was interesting to learn that more

business-to-business companies are using social media platforms to market. Overall, I enjoyed this

project more than I thought, except for the putting it all together and turning it in portion. With all that

being said, I honestly liked it because I was able to talk to my dad and it wasn't a lecture about school. 

Link: https://soundcloud.com/matthew-wilder-666351716/use-of-social-media-and-marketing-at-john-crane?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

Question: Use of of social media and marketing at John Crane

I want to introduce Mike Wilder. He is a Global Marketing Manager at an industrial company called John

Crane. Part of his responsibility includes planning and executing marketing campaigns for product

launches and for sales lead generation. Those campaigns include the use of social media.

Thank you for joining us today. I know there is a lot to your job, but I want to focus on the use of social

media at your company. I have a couple questions that I hope you can answer and maybe give us an idea

of how social media is used in promoting at an iductrial company.

1. As a Marketing Manager for an industrial company, do you incorporate social media in your


2. Is that a recent thing or have companies like yours used social media for a while?

3. What types of social media platforms do you use at your company?

4. Are there any issues that you are aware of or challenges that your company faces in using social


5. Do you think the use of social media will continue to grow in use, or slow down?

6. Do you have any recommendations for our class based on what you know about the use of

social media?

Thank you for your time today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was a pleasure joining you on the podcast and a lot of fun too. Hopefully, it was useful information for you and your class. Would be happy to do it again.


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