The Grind

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with this week’s blog. As I have stated in my last few blogs I

am still injured and being forced to wear this waxy splint cast around my thumb. Let me just tell you, it is

the most frustrating thing to deal with, but I am doing my best to deal with it. Just imagine not being

able to write with your dominant hand or having to eat food like what must look so weird because

you’re not a lefty. That last part might just be me, but you get to the point. On the field, it is frustrating

too, but I am still trying to participate. Even though I am not allowed to do physical contact, I can still

improve by continuing to run a lot every day to stay in shape. I have also been using an agility ladder

which is now my favorite thing in the world. I have not used one since I was playing youth football. It is a

crazy good tool for midfielders because it really helps improve footwork which is important whether you

play offense or defense. For example, I tried dodging without my stick and felt super-fast and light on

my feet. I admit, this could be due to all my unused energy because I wasn't able to practice, but I do

feel an improvement. While it still sucks that I haven’t been able to participate in practices or games, my

coaches and trainer have told me I have been putting in good work on the side and that is enough to

motivate me to keep going and not let off the gas, broken thumb and all.


  1. Keep the grind up! We see you at practice getting your work in, doing what you need to do to get back on the field better than ever! Injuries suck, but just keep chipping away and listening to Justin and you'll be back before you know it!


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