

Throughout the semester, we had the opportunity to work on a simulation called Mimic Social. The simulation put us in a marketing internship for a company called BUHI. This company sold a variety of bags and backpacks for many purposes, and are responsibility was to market them on social media. When I started the first round, it seemed so overwhelming and confusing that I decided to wait until the last minute to work on it. That wasn’t the best move, but it is what happened. I remember when I finally got around to finishing the first round, I was even more confused and thought I would for sure fail this exercise. That is, until a couple classmates poked fun at my lack of effort and doubted I would finish the assignment, let alone get a good grade. What they didn't realize, I excel when people tell me I can’t do something. So, I powered through all the simulations, on weekends after games and Sundays to catch up and ended up finishing 4th in the entire class. I must admit, it was an

Freshman Year

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with my last blog of the year. Looking back on my time as a freshman, I can honestly say it was nothing like how I thought it would be. It felt like my first year at college went by in a blink of an eye. Admittedly, I didn’t feel that way at first. I had a crazy start to college and not necessarily in a fun or good way. If you recall, I had suffered a seizure and sprained my wrist during the 2 nd week of school. Because of my anger, I alienated teammates and even coaches. I was not into school and felt I had no one here to talk to or relate to me. Not wanting to give up, I worked to turn that all around. I ended my 1 st semester with a 3.6 GPA , I rebuilt my relationships with teammates and coaches and through that struggle I realized if I put in the work, I could do anything. The 2 nd semester started  so quickly that I barely remembered the 1 st semester ending. Thankfully, I got off on a better foot. I could focus on developing my relations

Ohio Northern vs. Capital 16-10

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with this week’s blog. Today I will be talking about our game against Capital University. This game was a must-win if we wanted a shot at getting a bye-week for playoffs. We needed to not only beat Capital but also beat Baldwin Wallace the following Wednesday. We came into this game a little nervous, but deep down we all knew we would beat them. If you don't know Capital lacrosse, then let me enlighten you. They take a bunch of cheap shots; they yell and curse at you and even disrespect our coaching staff. Hearing that, I bet you know how the game went down. We came out of the gates slow and allowed them to score a decent amount on us early. They even were up 1 goal at the half which was not good because we let their shooters heat up. Luckily, our coach yelled at us in the locker room and put into perspective how important this game was because we were the better team. When we came back to the field we went to work and slowly beat down Cap

Takeaways from the Textbook

After finally finishing the textbook, I can say that I have learned a lot about all the different social media platforms, including how to use them effectively for promoting a brand and a business. Each chapter focused on a different platform, and went into detail about the age, gender and how many people use each, including how the reaction during Covid. It also gave us a thorough understanding of how to create a profile, get acclimated on proper use and navigation and showed us how businesses could use these various platforms to promote themselves. It taught me the differences and techniques of how to grow an audience, as well as how to publish ads and post promotions to reach a larger audience. This background also aided me in completing my mimic social assignment. That assignment required finding the right audience, posting promotions and non-promotions for certain products in the BUHI line, negotiating and contracting with influencers, and competing against my whole class to see w

Ohio Northern vs. John Carroll

  Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with this week’s blog. Today I will be talking about our game against John Carroll. This was an important game because John Carroll generally finishes first in the OAC. If we beat them, we essentially become the best team in the league. Our coaches chose to have us stay the night before on this trip so that we could be well rested and healthy. After practice on Friday, we headed to our hotel and arrived at 10:30 p.m. The plan was to give us some time to relax and eat before going to bed. Sleep was not what I got that night because my housemates were my actual roommate and our next-door neighbor. This arrangement was doomed from the start and we probably got to bed only around 1:00 a.m. Unfortunately, one of my roommates lost his tie and the other forgot to bring his full suit when we woke. This is a huge deal, because when we don't all match in our suit and tie before a game, our coach becomes furious and will not let that person play. T

Social Media Campaigns

In Chapter 13 of the textbook, I learned about social media campaigns. I discovered that they can be used to raise brand awareness, encourage consumers to respond to calls of action, or simply intended to spark the interest of the consumer. The goal of most social media campaigns is to persuade followers to do something, and they usually have a set time limit to act. Businesses utilize social media-only campaigns to keep customers coming back to buy more things. They do this primarily by employing the AIDA model, which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. They will attract people's attention, spark their curiosity, satisfy their desire, and urge them to act. When it comes to campaigns, this strategy has shown to be the most effective for businesses and is recommended for future ones. When it comes to creating a campaign, the process is rather simple. First you want to set goals, determine a campaign topic, identify the target demographic and budget, choose incentives

The Grind

Matt Wilder, your lacrosse student-athlete with this week’s blog. As I have stated in my last few blogs I am still injured and being forced to wear this waxy splint cast around my thumb. Let me just tell you, it is the most frustrating thing to deal with, but I am doing my best to deal with it. Just imagine not being able to write with your dominant hand or having to eat food like what must look so weird because you’re not a lefty. That last part might just be me, but you get to the point. On the field, it is frustrating too, but I am still trying to participate. Even though I am not allowed to do physical contact, I can still improve by continuing to run a lot every day to stay in shape. I have also been using an agility ladder which is now my favorite thing in the world. I have not used one since I was playing youth football. It is a crazy good tool for midfielders because it really helps improve footwork which is important whether you play offense or defense. For example, I tried do